Big Macs e religião Se queres entender os processos que levam a maioria dos humanos à religião, este vídeo do psiquiatra norte-americano J. Anderson Thomson, a que cheguei através da página que a Fundação Richard Hawkings tem no Facebook, oferece uma excelente explicação.

janeiro 10, 2019 · 1 minuto · Bruno Miguel

Reading 'The Darkening Age'

I’ve started reading The Darkening Age, a book by Catherine Nixey about the destruction Christianity brought to the other religions in its early days. This was a recommendation André Esteves made to me on Twitter and I’m glad he did it. I’ve just finished the prologue and was so blown by how it ends that I stopped reading it so I could publish this. Mere decapitation wasn’t enough. More blows fell, scalping Athena, striking the helmet from the goddess’s head, smashing it into pieces....

novembro 28, 2018 · 1 minuto · Bruno Miguel

Deputados quânticos

Os deputados portugueses são a grande maravilha da física: possuem propriedades do entrelaçamento quântico, conseguindo estar em dois ou mais locais ao mesmo tempo. Alguém me explica porque andamos a estudar partículas quando podíamos estudar os nossos deputados?

novembro 23, 2018 · 1 minuto · Bruno Miguel

This is why I don't give a fuck about influencers

And why I avoid a product if it’s being “promoted” (advertised) by them. An excerpt from Wired: Lotti recalls the investor saying that if she wanted Lashify to succeed, quality didn’t matter, nor did customer satisfaction—only influencers. And they didn’t come cheap. She was told to expect to shell out $50,000 to $70,000 per influencer just to make her company’s name known, an insane amount for a new startup. There was no way around it; that’s just how things worked....

novembro 23, 2018 · 1 minuto · Bruno Miguel