Foto do Chico a dormir ao pé de mim no sofá

Trying to regain privacy

It’s getting increasingly hard to have privacy online

março 26, 2023 · 2 minutos · Bruno Miguel
Foto do Chico no parapeito da janela da varanda

Finding a new Tmux session manager

I was using Tmuxinator, but I was having issues compiling newer versions because it required a newer version of Ruby not available in Arch Linux at the time of writing

fevereiro 27, 2023 · 2 minutos · Bruno Miguel
Aerial view of a crossroad

Deciding to continue or end my third-party Arch Linux repository

My third-party Arch Linux repository went offline. The fix is trivial, but the hosting provider is on its last breath.

fevereiro 22, 2023 · 3 minutos · Bruno Miguel
Screenshot da minha configuração do dwm


O meu window manager preferido é o i3wm, mas o dwm está a ganhar terreno.

fevereiro 18, 2023 · 3 minutos · Bruno Miguel