With no special order:
Desktop environments and/or window managers
- plasma (to me, the best desktop environment for any free software operating system)
- i3wm (paired with picom [https://github.com/ibhagwan/picom] for transparency, blur and rounded corners)
Terminal emulators
- konsole (I’ve grown very fond if this terminal emulator since I switched to the plasma desktop, and it has blur for the blings ;))
- urxvt-unicode (with tabbedex, so I can have tabs with it)
Text editors
- micro (my favorite and because it supports gui keybinds, although it’s a cli text editor)
- nano (simple and super useful, available by default in a lot of linux distributions)
- vim (I have a custom mode for writing markdown text)
- gedit (for when I need a text editor with a gui)
Note taking
- qownnotes
- firefox (my favorite for around a decade and an half. I actually used the 0.x versions)
- chromium
- brave
- falkon
- gimp (and a fork named glimpse)
- darktable
- lightzone (like darktable)
- jpegoptim
- optipng
- oxipng
- youtube-dl
System tools
- htop
- gotop
- cat
- scat (for when I need to ‘cat’ a file with syntax highlight)
- less
- watch (I like to keep a pane opened on tmux with the hardware temperature [watch -n1 ‘sensors -A | egrep “edge|temp”’])
- openssh
- dotdrop (for the dotfiles backup)
- tmux (I love this terminal multiplexer)
- tmuxinator (useful if you want to open tmux with any number of panes by default)
- broot (a cli file manager with vim-like keybinds and commands)
- fzf integrated with bash (because fuzzy search rocks)
- pacman (because I use EndeavourOS, basically Arch with a graphical installer)
What about you? What are your tools of trade in a Linux system?