Ever since Carlos Silva left a comment on my last post about this repository, I was left wondering if it wouldn’t be better to migrate my current VM to Scaleway. The price/specs seemed better and for the marginal difference of €1 I would get a dual-core virtual machine with 2GB of RAM and 50Gb of disk space.

After a couple of weeks of reflection, I bought a “Start1-S” VPS for €3,99/month and I’ve been (successfully) testing aurto to manage the repository updates. Things have been working out so great that I bought the userrepository.eu domain.

(I will add a certificate to the website, I promise!)

The address has all the instructions for you to add it to your system. But in case you can’t visit right now, here’s what you need to add to the /etc/pacman.conf file:

Server =
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll

I remind you, dear reader, that this repo only contains AUR packages.