Thanks to the suggestion made by ‘guser’, I’ve added my repository to the Arch Wiki, in the non-signed section. I hope Arch Linux users may find it useful.
Since I’m writing a post about userrepository, I’ll take the chance to list all packages currently available at the time of writing:
- acestream-engine
- acestream-launcher
- adwaita-qt
- adwm
- aerc
- android-messages-desktop
- archuseriso
- athenaeum-git
- atom-editor-bin
- axmud
- bindfs
- bindmap-git
- bitwarden-bin
- boostnote-bin
- bootiso
- boston-icon-theme-git
- brackets
- brave-dev-bin
- brightnessctl-git
- broot
- cava
- cawbird-git
- cleanupdate-git
- clipgrab-kde
- clipman
- compton-tryone-git
- criptext-bin
- crusta
- cucumber
- curseradio-git
- deoplete
- diskmonitor
- dot-browser-bin
- dotdrop
- drawio-desktop
- elicit
- endlessh
- f3
- falkon-git
- featherpad
- fedora-firefox-wayland-bin
- ferdi-git
- ffsend
- flowblade
- focuswriter
- foliate-git
- font-victor-mono
- fotoxx
- fuf
- galois
- gamehub
- ghostwriter
- git-cola
- glrnvim
- google-webdesigner
- gotop-git
- green-recorder-git
- gruvbox-material-git
- gruvbox-material-neosyn-git
- gstm
- guiscrcpy
- i3-gaps-rounded-git
- i3-plasma
- i3-volume
- icecat-bin
- imcompressor
- imeditor
- interui-otf
- ipman
- joplin
- jre
- kindd-git
- kitematic-git
- korla-icon-theme
- librewolf-bin
- marktext-bin
- micro
- mindforger
- mindi-converter-git
- mirage
- mpv-acestream
- ncpamixer-git
- ne
- newbreeze-git
- newbreeze-git-debug
- no-more-secrets
- notable-bin
- notekit-git
- notementum
- notes-up
- nx-gtk-themes-git
- nx-plasma-look-and-feel-git
- oomox
- open-adventure
- otf-anrt-baskervville
- otf-inter-ui
- otf-new-york
- otf-san-francisco-mono
- otf-san-francisco-pro
- oxipng
- pacaudit
- pakku
- pdfchain
- pfetch-git
- phoneboard
- pikaur
- pkghist
- plasma5-applets-eventcalendar
- polybar
- profile-cleaner
- publii
- python-pyshp
- qimgv-git
- qjournalctl
- qomui
- qoob-git
- qownnotes
- qtemu-git
- qtextpad
- qtwebflix-git
- qtws-base
- quilter
- raven-reader
- redshift-qt
- redshift-scheduler
- rememberthemilk
- rofi-emoji
- rofimoji-git
- roxterm
- scaleway-cli
- scat
- scrcpy
- sirikali
- spicetify-cli
- spotify
- sshrc
- station
- stremio
- swayshot
- telegram-desktop-bin
- terminal-markdown-viewer
- terminate
- termtrack-git
- thonny
- tiddlydesktop
- tlpui-git
- tmuxinator
- tor-browser
- trimage
- ttf-cascadia-code
- ttf-fira-go
- ttf-fira-mono-ibx
- ttf-inter-ui
- ttf-iosevka
- ttf-iosevka-ss09
- ttf-league-mono
- ttf-merriweather
- ttf-op-slate
- ttf-orbitron
- ttf-public-sans
- ttf-roboto-mono
- typora
- uberwriter
- unbound-block-hosts
- urxvt-tabbedex
- vscodium
- webtorrent-desktop
- wofi-hg
- wordgrinder
- writer-git
- yaru-gnome-shell-theme
- yaru-gtk-theme
- yaru-icon-theme
- yaru-session
- yaru-sound-theme
- yay
- ydiff
- youtube-dl-gui-git
- zettlr-bin
- zlib-zpipe
- zotero
If you use my repository and would like to have a package in there, feel free to drop a suggestion.