Improving boot time

Today, I’ve decided to try and improve the boot time of my laptop, running EndeavourOS. There was no special reason for it other than “Why not?”. The first thing I made was disabling or masking the following systemd services: systemd-resolved disabled tlp disabled NetworkManager-wait-online disabled lvm2-monitor masked org.cups.cupsd disabled packagekit masked bluetooth disabled (I rarely use the laptop’s bluetooth) blueman-mechanism disabled With this, I was able to save a few milliseconds and decrease the enabled systemd units to 15, but the impact was negligible....

abril 30, 2020 · 2 minutos · Bruno Miguel

Suporte para o Cartão de Cidadão no

Ainda hoje, no máximo amanhã, devo disponibilizar a aplicação para autenticação nas plataformas do Estado com o Cartão de Cidadão. Assim que estiver disponível, basta usares o comando sudo pacman -Syyuv autenticacao-gov-pt para ser feita a instalação. Não te esqueças de adicionar o repositório primeiro, caso ainda não o tenhas feito. Fica atent@.

abril 7, 2020 · 1 minuto · Bruno Miguel

Updates to Jarvis, my Arch buildbot

My Arch buildbot, Jarvis, received an update today in the options logic. Now, it can receive an argument in the add (-a) and delete (-d) options, so the user can specify the package to add or delete. The option to add a package, for now, only works for AUR. If you want to add a package that’s not in AUR, you’ll need to manually add the submodule. In the future, Jarvis will allow you to use a git repository with a PKGBUILD file....

dezembro 4, 2019 · 1 minuto · Bruno Miguel

First own package on

Until now, only used software from AUR. Today, to get me distracted from the flu and a respiratory infection I got a few days ago, I’ve finally created my first package for Arch Linux on my repository. It’s for a GTK web browser named Eoli and it builds from the master git branch. Here’s the PKGBUILD at the time of writing: # Maintainer: Bruno Miguel ​ pkgname=eolie-git _gitname=eolie pkgver=da1899ff pkgrel=1 pkgdesc=“Simple GTK web browser for GNOME” arch=(‘x86_64’) url=“https://wiki....

novembro 13, 2019 · 1 minuto · Bruno Miguel