Userrepository using mirrors

For a few months, I considered using the mirror service from Fosshost in The service results from a partnership between Fosshost and Fastly, giving projects access to several PoP’s around the globe. Finally, a few days ago, I enabled the service. I also created a package with the mirror’s list, userrepository-mirrors, available in my repository and AUR. The package has all the instructions for enabling the mirrors and what to do if you already have userrepository in your /etc/pacman....

outubro 16, 2021 · 1 minuto · Bruno Miguel

A Dark theme for AUR

I love AUR. Being able to use a simple PKGBUILD to install a software not available in the official Arch repositories is a blessing. Sadly, its user experience and looks need improvements to bring it to the 21st century. One of the things that bug me the most is the microscopic font size. I almost need a telescope to read the text. To fix it, and make it smoother on the eyes, I created a dark theme for AUR....

setembro 23, 2021 · 1 minuto · Bruno Miguel

Updates on Userrepository and Jarvis

Lately, I’ve been having some problems when building picom-ibhagwan-git and picom-tryone-git. The first one would build OK, but not the second one. After a bit of debugging, I found out that it was a problem related to the way makepkg and git handle the cache when building these forks. This would also happen when adding the picom-git package: it would build because it’s the first package in alphabetical order and Jarvis builds the packages that way, but not the other two....

setembro 12, 2020 · 2 minutos · Bruno Miguel

Updates on my Arch/Manjaro repository

Ever since Carlos Silva left a comment on my last post about this repository, I was left wondering if it wouldn’t be better to migrate my current VM to Scaleway. The price/specs seemed better and for the marginal difference of €1 I would get a dual-core virtual machine with 2GB of RAM and 50Gb of disk space. After a couple of weeks of reflection, I bought a “Start1-S” VPS for €3,99/month and I’ve been (successfully) testing aurto to manage the repository updates....

março 26, 2019 · 1 minuto · Bruno Miguel