Ativar a indicação de bateria de headphones Bluetooth no Plasma Desktop

A última vez que atualizei este blog foi há pouco mais de 2 meses. Como não quero que ele fiquei muito tempo sem conteúdo novo, decidi escrever este post, uma dica útil para quem usa o Plasma Desktop e headphones Bluetooth, e quer ver a percentagem de bateria na applet. Esta dica aplica-se a EndeavourOS, Arch Linux e outras distribuições baseadas em Arch. Noutras, o path do ficheiro pode ser diferente, por isso terás de ter isso em consideração se pretenderes replicá-a no teu sistema....

janeiro 21, 2022 · 1 minuto · Bruno Miguel

Userrepository using mirrors

For a few months, I considered using the mirror service from Fosshost in The service results from a partnership between Fosshost and Fastly, giving projects access to several PoP’s around the globe. Finally, a few days ago, I enabled the service. I also created a package with the mirror’s list, userrepository-mirrors, available in my repository and AUR. The package has all the instructions for enabling the mirrors and what to do if you already have userrepository in your /etc/pacman....

outubro 16, 2021 · 1 minuto · Bruno Miguel

How to disable a D-Bus service

In some situations, you might want to disable a D-Bus service. One of those is, for example, when you use Dunst (a notification daemon) with a window manager. Still, you don’t want it to replace the notification daemon from your desktop environment. To disable it, you just need to add .disabled to the end of the target file name. Example: sudo mv /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.knopwob.dunst.service /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.knopwob.dunst.service.disabled In the above example, Dunst will no longer replace Plasma Desktop notification daemon when using that amazing desktop environment, and all will be good with the world again....

setembro 16, 2021 · 1 minuto · Bruno Miguel

Status on userrepository changes

It took me a while to update you about the latest changes to my Arch and Arch-compatible Linux distributions repository. But first, let me apologize for the delay: work, personal life and, for about 3 weeks now, a horrible back pain (that just doesn’t stop, even with an handful of medication) have kept me from doing this in the time frame I expected. First on the “agenda”, I experimented with increasing the zstd compression level for the packages like I said I would do in my last post about the repository....

agosto 13, 2020 · 2 minutos · Bruno Miguel